Friday 13 June 2014

It's all set, Payal and Aakash's engagement is going to take place in few hours and Lavanya is in Arnav's room, but he is lost and while asking sorry he takes Khushi's name, Lavanya gets hurt and reminds him that she is Lavanya and not Khushi and saying so she leaves from there with a sad face.Arnav goes to Lavanya's room and says that he needs to talk to her; she tries to avoid as she was well aware of what was coming next, but Arnav stops her and she just shook her head mumbling "you don't need to", convening to him that she already knows it. She told him that she know it since a long time that he doesn't love her in the same way as she does.
Arnav is shocked, but at the same time relived that at least she understood. Lavanya asks him for a last hug before parting ways and he willing obliges.  Arnav asks Lavanya to inform the family but Lavanya is hesitant and tells him that she will tell everything, but after Aakash and Payal's engagement, since she doesn't want to dampen the festive spirit.Before leaving the Raizada house she hinted Arnav to accept his feelings for Khushi and to confess it soon and to not waste too much time.

Arnav was ready to confess his love for Khushi. After helping her sister Khushi comes to her changing room to find a message written on the mirror, that someone wants to meet her in the terrace. Khushi thinking that it was Arnav happily, with her heart doing Dhak Dhak goes to the terrace, she was looking here and there when someone hugged her from behind, and she realized those arms do not belong to Arnav and tried to free herself, well after being so many times in his arms she has at least learned how his arms were.
She freed herself and saw Shyam standing in front of her, she asked what he was doing and he started his melodrama on how much he loves her and how unhappy he is with Anjali, that his marriage is a  relationship is just namesake and nothing else, heforcefully hugs her and just then Arnav reaches the terrace and is shocked to witness the scene in front of him and as if it was not enough Shyam's next words "I love you Khushiji" shook the ground under Arnav's feet. But what tore apart Arnav's hearts were Khushi's words, when she asked Shyam to leave Anjali.
Arnav like a lifeless body leaves from there disgusted at Khushi not willing to listen to anything else. He thinks Khushi is a home wrecker and a gold digger.

He opened his eyes to find himself tied and caged in an unknown place. But that was not the worry. He saw khushi, sitting right in front of him, looking directly at him. He wasn't sure if it was reality or just a dream. So, he tried to touch her, to be sure that it was indeed her, but all his efforts went in vain. The rope, which had him tied to the chair, didn't let him do anything. He smiled, saying he thought it was just a dream. She slowly cupped his jaw and replied that it indeed was a dream. And then she was gone, vanished into the thin air. He closed his eyes in exasperation and tightened his fist to control the rage he was feeling at the moment. All the times spent with her automatically started flashing in front of his eyes, making him feel guilty even more for not believing in her, for wronging her and their love.

IPKKND, throughout its many episodes, experienced the presence of countless villains. However one specific villian could not be replaced. He made us cry, me made us mad; and well-he was Shyam Manhor Jha. Shaym was honestly the one man that we all loved to hate. And well, we all loved his demise.Yes; despite hisconvincing abilities Shaym was no match for Khushi, and eventually he did exit our lives. Shyam had thought that he had entered the Raizada household once again and claimed a place in his Rani Saiba's heart . However, Arnav and Khushi had a brilliantplan; through constantly reminding Shaym of how he killed his own child and making him think that he was being haunted because of it our very own villian went MAD! It drived him crazy; all the constant reminders were killing him. And then the final straw came when Khushi and NK pulled of their amazing play; where the gave light to Shaym and his cruelty. Shyam in a rush of anxiety claimed his sins and gained slaps from Anjali and a permanent visit to a jail cell. 
And ladies and gentlemen; that was the end of one of the most ruthless villains in IPK history; Shaym Manhor Jha.

One of the very first things we all got to know about our very own ASR was that his past was anything but...pleasant. He faced sadness, betrayal and well- a complete disappointment that came in the form of his father and the woman he chose to over his wife. When the IPK fandom got to find out that the 'other woman' was none other than Khushi's very own aunt...well we nearly died. This was the breaking point of our ArShi's love story; no Arnav could not recover from this. He would break, Khushi would never really be married with her Arnav ji. 

Boy were we wrong. On the day of Arnav and Khushi's wedding Arnav did find out that Garima was in fact the other women in his dad's life. Yet despite all that, our man game to the wedding- fashionably late, but yes he came. He did not betray his bride (who held hope till the end) and explained how Khushi overshadowed his past. He explained that Garima was innocent- as she was unaware that his father was married, and told his Dadi  to kindly stop trying to break him and his girl apart. 

Finally, after more than a year of hatred and romance- Arnav and Khushi got married. 

When she'd first met Sheetal & Aarav, she couldn't have been happier to finally meet one of Arnav's old friends. And aarav was such a cutie pie except for the times he behaved like her laad governor. But still, she loved her laad governor and now even him. When Arnav had disclosed in front of her about Sheetal's and his relationship, she'd been jealous, like any wife would be. She trusted her Arnav completely, but still the insecure wife in her just wouldn't shut up until she completely knew about her husband's past which he always shrugged off, when she asked him, saying they were meant nothings' to him. It was the day of karwachauth when the truth had been revealed to her. That Aarav was indeed Arnav's son. She knew arnav loved her too much to leave her but she couldn't see aarav growing up without his father's love, when Arnav was right there. So she decided to leave her Arnav, just for Aarav's sake. But Arnav was no less stubborn than her. He needed her like the next breath in his life and so he promised her, that he would make everything alright. And he did that, by unveiling Sheetal's true face and adopting Aarav, making Khushi's faith rise in him by every level. 

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