Monday 2 June 2014

Arnav and Khushi were seen either on the dance floor or there were songs that meant something completely different to the ArHi fans once they were used as background score for ArHi. Here's a trip down the road to some of the outstanding songs that changed the ArHi world.

Different as chalk and cheese, they entered the mazaar together.
One who had faith and the other who did not!
The walked through along either sides of the mannat ki chaadar.
Unknown to each other, what life had in hold for them next!
She crossed his path as the breeze made her dupatta caress his stern face.
The peacock feathers touched their head as Allah's blessings.
She took them with a sweet smile and he shrugged them off.
She prayed as she tied the holy thread praying for happiness, just like her name!
Unknown to her was the person she cursed, stood at the other side tying the thread.
This unknown co-incidence was the first step together in life.
What did they know that this hatred would evolve into a lifetime of togetherness?

Their presence was known as the breeze played along, they looked over at each other.
A strong attraction pulled them to each other as they tried to repel.
Unknown Feelings filled their hearts as they walked along on opposites end of the decorated hall on diwali night.
The spied at each other silently, wanting to talk to each other.
Later she sat by the poolside lighting the diyas.
She heard him call her and sprang up in shock only to twist her ankle.
He helped her onto the recliner and tried to help her out.
She was sceptical still unknown to the bond between them.
He held her soft feet on his knees, she clutched onto him due to pain.
He cured her sprain in matter of seconds as she looked at him in amazement.
He picked out her amma's lost payal from his coat pocket and fastened it round her ankle.
They broke apart confused and walked away.
Still could not part as he turned to her and walked with desires in his eyes.
He blocked her onto the wall and caressed her cheek as she shuddered.
He cupped her face to taste her soft petal lips but destiny had other plans.

The genda phool hit him on his face while he chatted with his clients.
He looked at the direction from where it came and saw her grinning at him.
The family gave a shocked expression, waiting for the expected from him.
She played with the catapult as she smirked at him in victory.
Flabbergasted he was as she winked at him and sang the song.
There came a duplicate him, dressed up just like him.
His eyes popped out in shock, as she mocked him throughout the dance.
The audience scared to know his reaction as he stood there still looking over at the dance.
A few knew that he would shout and bark in anger but then happened the unexpected.
He laughed along at his mockery and the audience stood stunned.
Shocked to see him smile and laugh, the family came around and teased him.
He didn't bother much as he saw her smiling face which inturn made him smile once again!

She was lost, unhappy to be loosing the bet to him.
But the breeze played along as he stood right in front of her.
He said sweet things which were unexpected.
He held her with pure passion and desire, as though she were a brittle glass doll.
He could do anything to wipe off those teary eyes.
Unknown feelings built up in them as they twirled and swayed.
He caressed her soft skin making her gasp. She shuddered when he held her tight.
The words of the song felt so true, as if they were describing their own lives.
They were lost in each other, lost in the touch of love.
The applause brought them out of trance making them realize something.
Something that they weren't able to name.. But that day their bond strengthened.

A forced honeymoon indeed, the family had brought honeymoon to their home.
They wanted the newlyweds to spend some quality time.
The couples were made to dance; one who did willingly and the other were forced.
She placed her hand gently on his as her held it and pulled her to him.
They swayed and twirled unwillingly but they knew they wanted this moment.
He looked over her shoulder to see the evil eyes glued to his wife.
Passion took over that moment because she was only his.
He held her possessively and danced with her.
They twirled and swayed in the moment of aggression and passion.
He pulled her to himself possessively and grabbed her waist.
The onlookers applauded as they broke apart and looked into each other's eyes.

Months ago, an enchanted confession had to be done.
The stage was set, lovers were ready to confess their heart.
The moon was ready to shine more brightly, to make the world see that beautiful confession.
But their destiny had some other plans.
Clouds came, covered the beauty of moon light and in seconds, everything was devastated.
Months later, living in love-hate relationship, he finally spoke those 3 magical words, which her ears were begging to hear.
Those words echoed and shuddered her soul with happiness.
She saw her prince back home with her, living the fairytale life.
He gave her gift, they talked and laughed.
They loved each other beyond words.
But then it was all a dream, the dream that she treasured hoping her love was safe and sound.

They looked over talking to each other through the stars.
He saw her standing there standing right in front of him with a smile.
The fairy lights shimmering and the moon lit sky.
He saw her walk closer where he grabbed her waist and pulled her into him.
He broke apart and walked to her back gently sneaking his arms around her bare waist.
It made her shudder, It made her blush. He had her in his arms right there.
She turned to look at him and raised her palms onto his stubble cheek.
She gazed and walked away from him.
Their eyes had desires for each other; a feeling of longing together.
He walked over to her and cupped her cheeks only to realize it was his dream.
She ran over and hugged him from behind pouring in all the love she had.
He held her hand and turned to hug her.
She was all he wanted.. But what could he have done if it were just a dream?

It was the best day of their life, they found each other!
All they wanted was to be together.
The past dreadful days were finally fading away, their love waiting to be confessed.
They ran for their lives into the forest and took shelter in an old cottage.
Their eyes held passion and desire; the pure love that they had for one another.
He saw her in white, looking like an angel fallen from the heavens.
He closed in on her to pick her up in his strong arms.
The hay bed waited for the lovebirds to become one for eternity.
She shuddered on his touch in pure ecstasy.
The night to be remembered was just a moment.. the moment which was broken!
The dark clouds covered the rainbow as it was time for them to separate again..
Separate again only to be Reunited!

His past haunted him so bad and the nightmares gave him sleepless nights.
He stood at the poolside gazing at the gleaming water.
She stood behind, unknown to him; thinking of ways to reduce his pain.
She wanted to share his thoughts, thus picked up her phone and played the song.
The melody made him turn and look at her in confusion.
She looked up at his worried face and gave a sweet smile.
The libretto made him avoid her, but she made her way to him.
He ignored her all the while as she tried to cheer him up.
She smiled and hugged him only to be shrugged off.
His pain was crystal in his orbs and her only goal was to let him free of it. 

A bed of roses awaited her as her prince had wanted to show his love.
The old days were to be forgotten to start a fresh.
She came out in red fearing the moment in a dress that he had gifted.
He stood there looking at her, holding the dupatta.
His orbs gazing at her beautiful moon like face.
She stood in a corner shivering as he walked to and turned her to face him.
He gently held her hand and took her need the bed, draped the duppatta over her head.
The color of love covered the room, as he waited to make her his forever.
He hugged her slowly pulling her into him assuring her that he was hers and she was his for eternity!

The family danced along in happiness of two souls uniting in holy matrimony.
The gleaming faces of the much in love bride and groom was a sight of awe.
She clapped along as he watched her with eager eyes.
They gazed at each other for a while.
He walked over and nuzzled in her ear sweet nothings.
As the little man came along and made his bhabhi dance, she danced trailing her fingers on his face.
She praised herself and questioned him her fault.
He walked to her not breaking the eye lock and pulled her to himself.
The eyes did the talking and she gently placed her palm over his heart.
He hugged her with all his might making a promise of a lifetime.

They sat in the hall watching the sangeet function.
Family enacted as they relived the past few months.
From the day they met to the day they fell in love, they smiled to each other.
He saw her clap her hands in excitement and smiled.
He looked back to the stage and dreamt of dancing with her.
He danced and swayed along with his love in his arms.
The thought was broken as he looked at her.
Her gleaming eyes were mirroring her emotions for a future together forever!

As the light beamed again, through the group of men came her Prince.
She was shocked and surprised all together to see him ready to dance for her.
Her love already knew how much she loved her "Salmanji"!
What could have been better than proposing her in the Khan style! 
The family had never seen him so happy before that very moment.
Through the series of surprises, came another surprise.
He willingly did the famous 'Towel Dance' for her.
She gleamed with utmost happiness as she saw her prince dance only for her smile.
He finally sat down on his knees and whispered, "Will you marry me?"
She rose him up and accepted his proposal yet again!
He kissed her knuckles and as the couple hugged each other.
The audience rose to honour this special couple as tears welled up their eyes.
As the duo got lost in each other's embrace full of warmth, passion and pure love,
The family danced around them, rejoicing... celebrating their love!

Have a bachelor's party sweetly had she said, yet now she's crashing it.
Dance for me he dared, knowing she couldn't do it.
But then... The lights dimmed, the sound of anklets tinkled in the air.
He sat up, a slow smile forming on his lips as she sat on the floor with a veil.
He saw her hit the play button to which smiled in amazement.
She sang along with her acts to seduce him.
She tripped here, she tripped there and landed in his arms.
The seduction was fun-filled as he smirked seeing his innocent wife turn into a seductress.
He laughed over as she turned back into the bubbly kid dancing to the tune.
She held her excitement and pulled him into her as they landed on bed one over the other.
A smile adorning their faces and eyes full of love!

Food here, food there.. She came to the poolside to look out for the moon.
Her tummy growled in hunger as she frowned at the sky.
He smiled at his cute adorable lady love and wanted to cheer her up.
She told him to bring the moon for her.
But he showed her reflection in the gleaming water.
Indeed she was prettier than the moon!
She blushed at her reflection as he gazed at her smiling face.
He turned her to him and raised her hand to kiss her knuckles.
Love oozed out from his eyes, the respect he had for her as well!
He held her from behind, swaying slowly to the breeze.
His breathe fanned her nape, she shuddered and moved apart.
He pulled her back into him to sway and she smiled in contentment.
He twirled and lifted her, gradually brought her down, moulding her into him.
He looked at her with eyes full of desire.
A want to love her, a want to be loved!
She crashed herself into his hard chest whispering what the day meant to her.
What he meant to her!

1 comment:

  1. everything is said so beautifully.. loved it dear! awesome job <3
