Sunday 1 June 2014

Khushi is wondering why she isn’t feeling good. Arnav is looking at two pearls and Khushi is looking at some keys I guess. They take each others name in anger.

Khushi has met Arnav's family at the Raizada house when she goes to there as a door to door salesman in order to sell her handmade saris,Arnav's sister Anjali and his Nani likes her a lot. When they hear that Khushi has quit her job they hire her to tame Lavanya into a traditional Indian girl, whom Nani cannot accept unless she changes. The family is not very happy with Lavanya as they find out that she and Arnav are in a live-in relationship..

Live-in (Bina Shadi) :p

While working at Raizada Mansion, Khushi and Arnav become much closer and learn to understand each other but they mutually don't declare their feelings.

 This phase of the serial also saw Khushi experiencing her first 'Dhak-Dhak' moments in Arnav's presence and Khushi's relation with Arnav began to soften as they started to realize their attraction towards each other...

One of the most breath-taking tracks of the story, Diwali marked the start of attraction sparking between Arnav and Khushi. It was a period of skyrocketing heartbeats, quickened breathing, crackling chemistry as Arnav and Khushi came closer to each other. The highlight of this track was when Arnav gave into his feelings for Khushi after seeing her dressed in a red saree  '  his favorite color  '  on Diwali, resulting in an 'almost kiss'. However, the bliss was short lived. 

Another blow followed as Arnav told Khushi that she didn't matter to him in any way  -  thereby breaking Khushi's heart.

When Arnav comes to know about the engagement of Khushi he starts humiliating her by showing off some arrongant untruthful love towards Lavanya and always questions her about her not being happy on the declaration of her  marriage.

Arnav who never believed in marriage now accepts to get engaged to Lavanya and handovers the responsibilities of his engagement to Khushi..

After a series of incidents, they both were not on talking terms. But once again, destiny brought them together to work unitedly for Payal-Akash marriage in which they were successful...

Khushi begins to find clues that make her suspicious about Anjali's husband's true identity. Despite her numerous attempts, Shyam manages to escape from Khushi's notice in the Raizada Mansion. However, through an unexpected visit to the Raizada Mansion for a puja, Khushi finally discovers Shyam is actually Anjali's husband and has been two timing her. Shocked and hurt, she confronts Shyam in the terrace and slaps him while letting him know that their engagement is now broken. Khushi tries to reveal to Anjali the true face of her husband, but certain events occur that make Khushi realize that Anjali isn't strong enough to handle such a massive blow to her relationships. Hence, she decides along with her family to keep this matter silent for a while.

Arnav and Lavarnia decided to cancel their engagement and she left the house in hope that Arnav and Khushi would soon realise their love for each other.

Payal and Akash's wedding brought Arnav and Khushi to each other. Arnav felt jealous to see Khushi with NK, He cared for her when she fainted, he danced with her to erase the pain he saw in her eyes when she had no partner and the thought of Khushi's accident made him realize how much she matters  to him and he can never afford to lose her. Then the realization stuck him that what he did and felt was because he had fallen in love with her.

Arnav finally decided to confess his love to Khushi but what happened next changed their life. He saw Shyam hugging Khushi and saying that he loves her not Anjali. This lead him to the misunderstanding that Khushi and Shyam were having affair. He hated her for destroying his Di's life, who was the world to him. He married Khushi with a contract of 6 months to save his sister's married life. Khushi had to agreed when he threatened to break Payal's marriage but the reason for this marriage was unknown to her and she hated him to the core for playing with her life this way.

Khushi,unknown of the real reason for her marriage keeps on questioning Arnav. Arnav,who was under the impression of Khushi-Shyam affair,keeps hurting her and himself. In a series of events,even though they dont't share wife-husband relation,destiny kept bringing them closer and the misunderstanding, away from each other. Both of them love each other so much that the situations forced them to express their feelings but their ego held them back. Meanwhile, Shyam continued his plotting against them.

Frustrated with her strained equation with Arnav, Khushi decided to visit her family. Anjali and Nani insist on Arnav joining Khushi to visit in in-laws as well. Hence, Arnav begrudgingly accompanies Khushi to her 'maayka', where he faces various situations like power-cuts, water shortage and inquisitive neighbors ' but manages to pull through and win Khushi's family's hearts. In the midst of this, Khushi misunderstands Arnav and thinks he is planning to kill her in order to be with Lavanya. Khushi being Khushi ... decides to take herself out of the question by committing suicide. Arnav comes to know of the plans at the right moment and saves her from committing a folly and in the verbal battle that follows, Arnav reveals to Khushi the real reason he married her. Hearing Arnav's opinion about her character shatters Khushi, but she collects herself and continues being cheerful. During her friend's marriage functions, Arnav overhears Khushi tell her mother and her friends about how loving a husband he is and he feels momentarily guilty about snatching her tender dreams away from her.

Arnav hid the reason of their marriage from everyone and tried to show that he and Khushi loved each other. Not wanting to hurt the family, Khushi continued the act of a happily married couple in front of everyone.

The festival of colors. A festival, where the past is forgiven and forgotten which is what happened as Arnav and Khushi's family finally forgave the duo for their runaway marriage while still not knowing the real reason behind their marriage. Shyam's plans to apply color on Khushi were foiled as Arnav stopped him at the opportune moment. 'Bhaang,' a staple drink present at all Holi celebrations resulted in a drunk Khushi and Arnav expressing their true feelings to each other in a unique  and beautiful way. The effect of 'Bhaang'didn't last for long, though it lasted long enough for Shyam to finally figure out through Khushi the real reason why Arnav married her. Arnav seemed to remember the events that transpired during Holi, and it confused him regarding Khushi's feelings for him. Yet, it did not bring about a drastic change in their relationship.

Anjali, who had a clue about the tension between Arnav-Khushi, told Khushi the weakest point of Arnav-"The Love". She informed Khushi that Arnav always hated the love showered upon him but gets used to it in the long run. Khushi,waiting for the opportunity to irritate him, started calling him "Swami" and kept showering her love like a typical good wife by forcefully helping him in all his activities,cooking food for him which in turn made him angry. Irritated by her activities, he adressed her mentality as cheap which provoked her to take the decision of staying at Guptas House for a few days along with him.

When Arnav refused Nani for the honeymoon plan giving excuse of office, Anjali and Nani came up with a plan of "Bali in Delhi" and arranged their house as a hotel for honeymoon. Arnav-Khushi and Akash-Payal were sent to their decorated rooms after having a couple dance. Arnav threw away the burning matchstick when he was trying to lit the candle in their dark room and bed caught little fire. khushi panicked and threw a bucket of water on it causing the bed to get wet, this left them with no other option than to sleep together on a coach.

Khushi was shattered to know the real reason for Arnav marrying her forcefully. She tried many times to clarify her innocence but in vain as he believed his eyes. She wanted to prove her innocence to him with the help of Shyam and asked the latter to tell the truth. Shyam,who was waiting for the opportunity, tried to make a deal with her saying she should get the signatures of Arnav on some business papers after which he would tell the truth. Shyam also succeeded in exchanging the business papers with will just before Arnav signed them.Knowing the fact that Arnav was about to go to London. Khushi tried her best to prove herself innocent and also Arnav had given a chance for his love,as he hopes her to be innocent. Shyam succeeded in getting the will in his hands which were hidden by her and kidnapped Arnav.

Khushi was tensed to know that Arnav didn't reach London. Later got relieved hearing him safe but was shocked to hear the three magical words from him-"I LOVE U". She was sure that his life was in danger which pushed him to say these words and started investigating about his whereabouts.She was accompanied by Manorama mami.They together investigated the case getting hold of airport cctv footage.She suspected Shyam but he proved her wrong.She found the man who kidnapped Arnav but in the process of following him,gets kidnapped by him which led to meeting of Arnav.They both escaped from the place and ran away and took shelter in a hut at night.

In order to escape from the pursuing goons, Khushi and Arnav enter a hut to shelter for the night. Events follow such that Arnav and Khushi come closer to each other, but before things can progress further, Arnav realizes that the goons have surrounded the hut. In order to save Khushi from being captured, Arnav hides her within the hut and lets himself be recaptured by the goons. Khushi realizes what has happened the next morning, and on returning to Raizada Mansion she teams up with NK and works on obtaining information from Shyam regarding Arnav's whereabouts. On finding Arnav's location, Khushi rushes to save him, only to be intercepted by Shyam. In a bid to not let Khushi save Arnav, Shyam takes her away and binds her in the middle of the road. On the other hand, Arnav fights his way out from his captivity and rushes to save Khushi in an action packed sequence. Khushi in nearly killed in the process, and in an emotional scene, Arnav succeeds in reviving her. Together, they head back towards Raizada Mansion, their home.

Khushi finally decided to reveal Shyam's plan when everyone was questioning about Arnav's condition. Shyam being the clever man put all the blame on her saying that she and Payal are behind Raizada's money. NK supported Khushi and they both tried to show proofs but Shyam had already change and destroyed all proofs. With having nothing to prove, Khushi asked Arnav to look into her eyes and see that she's not lying. Arnav believed her and threw Shyam out of the house not before slaping him two times for hurting Anjali and Khushi.

Anjali continues to be morose following Shyam's departure from their house. Arnav and Khushi and everyone else try their best to cheer Anjali up and bring her out of her sorrow. In this process, Arnav and Khushi witness a growth in their relationship. They begin to try and understand each other, and give each other strength to move on and help everyone else in their family. This bliss was, however, short-lived. Following a breakdown from Anjali, Arnav takes out his frustration and helplessness on Khushi and accuses her of being the reason for all the problems in his life. He curses the day he met her and wishes otherwise'.which deals another blow to an already emotional Khushi. She realizes her presence in Raizada Mansion only seems to aggravate everyone around her, and in an attempt to keep up the peace, she decides to leave Arnav's house and go back to her own house.

Khushi tried to help out Anjali by suggesting her to forget the past and live for the future.Anjali,who was shattered,goes to the extent of trying to abort the child.When Arnav came to know that Khushi met Anjali,against the family wish,which provoked Anjali to do this, he vented out his anger on Khushi.In a fit of rage,he held her responsible for Shyam's disloyalty and Anjali's condition.Khushi decided to leave Shantivan but Arnav didn't want to lose her and on the pretext of marriage contract he made her stay back and warns her not to leave Shantivan.On the occassion of Khushi's birthday,Arnav arranged a surprise for her but when Anjali saw them,she misunderstands him.Khushi sensed the tension in Arnav-Anjali relation and leaves to Guptas House on the pretext of buaji's ill-health.She decided to saty there till the end of marriage contract.

Arnav realizes the extent to which he has hurt Khushi by his words. He vows to himself that he will bring Khushi back home before the 6 month clause ends  '  come what may. He sets out by cutting off the power supply at her house, which Khushi finds a solution to. Then Arnav buys Gupta House and threatens Khushi that unless she returns back to him, the house will be demolished. While Khushi refuses to bow down at once, she eventually gives in considering the fate of the rest of her family. A triumphant Arnav brings Khushi back to Raizada Mansion, hoping to woo her again and actually earn her love this time. Meanwhile, Anjali is seen meeting Shyam again, away from the eyes of the rest of the family.

Arnav's grandmother, Subhadra Dadi returns from an ashram and decides to stay at Raizada Mansion with the rest of her family. She immediately takes a disliking to Khushi and treats her with indifference. Arnav notices Dadi's cold attitude and stands up for Khushi the whole time. This infuriates Dadi and in a fight with Arnav, she brings up Arnav's painful past. Khushi tries to remain strong for her an Arnav's sake. Arnav's past is revealed ' Arnav's mother believed that his father was in an extra marital relation with another woman ' and hence commits suicide. Aghast at his actions, Arnav's father commits suicide as well '. leaving Anjali and Arnav orphaned. It is then revealed that Dadi is on Shyam's side ' and wants to bring him back into Raizada Mansion. Shyam however, hasn't changed his ways at all. His main aim still remains to get Arnav's property under his name, while his wife and his unborn child mean nothing to him.

Khushi realizes that she and Arnav were never married with all customs and rituals being followed and she refuses to move ahead with their relationship until they get married the right way. Unfortunately, Dadi gets to know this fact and creates a scene, thereby leaving Arnav with no choice but to get married to Khushi  '  properly this time. During the preparations, Dadi realizes that Garima is the woman who had been in a relationship with Arnav's father. She refuses to listen to Garima's pleas telling her that she hadn't know Arnav's father had been married at the time. Meanwhile, Arnav and Khushi remain blissful in their lives. They look forward to spending the rest of their lives together and promise to stand by and love each other  '  come what may. On the day of their Mehendi, disaster strikes as Shyam plots a way to kill his unborn child and thereby gain entrance into Raizada Mansion, much to everybody's anger. On the day before the marriage, Arnav and Khushi consummate their relationship. Fate, had other plans for Dadi revealed to Arnav Garima's secret on the day of his marriage. Aghast and shocked, Arnav doesn't arrive on at the mandap ' causing quite a scene. In the end however, Arnav decides to not let his past rule his future and returns to the mandap to marry Khushi, thereby foiling Dadi and Shyam's plans.

They were living happily when Arnav's ex-girlfriend came with a kid, Aarav. Aarav was just like Arnav in attitude, behavior and had same hobbies as Arnav. He also had diabetes. This made Khushi doubt that Aarav might be Arnav's son. She asked Sheetal to live with them till she get a house. Her doubt were confirmed when she asked Sheetal about and and Sheetal accepted that Arnav is Aarav's dad. Later Arnav proved that Sheetal was lying. Sheetal then opened up and said that she did this for money. Aarav, who was an orphan was adopted by Arnav and Khushi.

Khushi wanted to prove that she can do anything not only cooking and so she decided to participate in "Mrs.India Contest". She had the consent of all the family members except for Arnav as she wanted to give him a surprise. During the contest,Khushi-Arnav came face to face as he is the main sponsor of the contest.He told her not to take part in the contest as he felt she was too innocent for the cruel modelling world.she persuaded him and he gave her the consentto participate.She requested him not to reveal her identity as she wanted to create her own identity.With the unconditional love and support of Arnav,Khushi finally won the contest and was crowned Mrs.India thus proving her worthiness. This was featured in the last episode of the drama "Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon...?".

                       Some Stories never end...  They live by in our Hearts Forever....

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